Category: Amazing Fantasy (1961)
Amazing Adventures #6:Dr. Droom Defies the Menace Called… Krogg!
Cover Date: Nov 1961 | Review: 3.75 StarsThis is the 5th and last review of Dr. Droom. I hope you enjoyed this week of focused comic book reviews as much as I did. In some ways it is a shame, that the by far story that seemed to have the biggest development was destined to be the end of it. by…
Amazing Adventures #4:What Lurks Within?
Cover Date: Sep 1961 | Review: 3.25 StarsWith this week drawing to an end, and Halloween drawing closer, it may be time that the reviews started to show a bit more signs of the day that comes. This one does fit that requirement, and not just in the comic book title”What Lurks Within?” This comic book story starring the hero of the…
Amazing Adventures #3:Doctor Droom meets Zemu!
Cover Date: Aug 1961 | Review: 2.75 StarsUnlike yesterday I offer no great quotes or build up to them, the beginning of his the 3rd Doctor Droom Story offered me none that I felt would be right to start us off. That is not to say that I do not feel it is a good story, even if I can’t help but feel I…
Amazing Adventures #2:The World Below!
Cover Date: Jul 1961 | Review: 3 StarsSometimes I like to begin a comic book review with a quote, sometimes I feel that the words in the issue convey the other awe I am looking for, and describe the purpose of the review your about to read better than I can. Sometimes the words on the first page say it all, and I just put them out there. But…
Amazing Adventures #1:I am The Fantastic Dr. Droom
Cover Date: Jun 1961 | Review: 3.75 Starswith this being the last week of October, as the air is getting cool, and Halloween drawing near, I felt it time for a bit of a change. so I bring forth Dr. Droom Week. Stay Tuned my comic book review readers as we Move back in time again for this week. To start we will…
Amazing Fantasy #15:Spider-Man
Cover Date: Aug 1962 | Review: 4.5 StarsAmazing Fantasy 15 is the last issue of Amazing Adult Fantasy, that was dropped from the name with just that issue. unfortunately for Amazing Adult Fantasy #15, that with or without the adult, it was to be the last issue of that comic magazine. But fortunately for us, and history, that allowed them to take a chance on one of…