The tale of Doctor Strange from Strange Tales #125 is one of an epic battle between Dr. Strange and Baron Mordo, his often repeated nemesis. This time Mordo traps The Ancient One first, before attempting to take on Doctor Strange. leaving our hero with the daunting task of fighting Mordo while finding and freeing his Mentor.
Like so many stories, the heart of this one is good and evil, an ongoing fight that is, in some ways more to the core of Doctor strange then some other comics.
The conflict mixed in with good descriptive dialogue as the enemies banter with each other, describing their magical attacks. these same attacks as interesting visually as described, creative both in writing and art.
Speaking of the artwork of this issue, This fits in with, and expands the feeling around doctor strange tales, the dark, the magical, and eerie feeling however being given just a bit of color, something I find.
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