For the second installment of the Tales of Asgard, we find ourselves joining Odin as he battles against Ymir and the ice giants.
The story this month is more focused than the first issue. We follow Odin into battle, and the action takes place more in a traditional comic book style with dialogue bubbles.
The story was good, although realistically un-suspenseful. Yet I wish it was more drawn out and longer, given the depth that a backup story generally is not.
Regarding the art of his issue, I am opting to talk about two things; the first is the sense of scale that you can see throughout the story of the Frost giants and Odin.
Second I would like to talk about the giants; the raw, jagged form of the ice giants stands out in this issue.
Last is Kirby’s natural ability to capture the scene in action. For example, the panel on page 3 where Odin is being grown from his chariot.
in short, the story for its length and placement as a backup is a pleasant read and even has its strengths although it is not one that I would at this time consider essential.
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