Sgt. Fury And His Howling Commandos #13:Fighting Side-By-Side with Captain America And Bucky!

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Between the sergeant fury stories during World War II and Captain America being brought out of the ice in the modern age. This is a crossover I have been waiting to see. In this issue, the howling commandos join forces with Captain America and Bucky.

At the story’s onset, we have Sergeant Fury on a date with Pamela Hawley. While watching the movie newsreel clips, they see both footage of the howling commandos without much reaction from the crowd than of Captain America, and the crowd goes wild. This bothers Nick, and he decides Captain America is overrated.

A short time later, at the Pig and Whistle pub, Nick comes to the aid of Steve Rogers and ends up in a barroom brawl with Sergeant Bull McGivney and his unit. During this encounter, he lives in impression on Steve and leads to Captain America, calling for his aid later in the book.


By the time the howlers reach Captain America later in the book, only a couple of them remain to aid him. However, with the mission being important, and then invasion being eminent group of soldiers proved successful.

The story proves to be an entertaining and engaging yarn, including the spirit of wartime, Captain America and Bucky, while living up to everything I would expect from a sergeant Fury story


Jack Kirby’s artwork throughout the issue is cram packed with breathtaking action and outstanding detail, capturing the comic book wartime scenes page after page. We even get another of his photo collages depicting the explosive final act.

Characters & Development

The issue promises that we will see Captain America and Bucky displaying the trills and action which make them the overwhelming stars of the golden age of comics. I think we got that. This being the first entire issue, silver-age appearance of Bucky as well as Captain America set during World War Two. And while their guest star status is easily much more than just a cameo and a promotion, they share the pages with Sgt. Fury (even if not the whole cast of Howling Commandos), quite well. This is also the first time we have Super-hero level antic in this wartime series.

Book Information:
Cover Date: Dec 1964
Read At:
  • Stan Lee
  • Jack Kirby
  • Dick Ayers
  • Art Simek
Review Ratings:
Character And Development&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9734&#9734
Timeless Crossovers&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9733&#9734
Stories Referenced:
  • Tales of Suspense 23
  • Captain America
  • Howling Commandos
    • Sgt. Fury
    • Robert “Rebel” Ralston
    • Corporal “Dum-Dum” Dugan
    • Dino Manelli
    • Gabriel Jones
    • Izzy Cohen
    • Percy Pinkerton
  • Bucky
  • Captian “Happy Sam” Sawyer
  • Pamela Hawley
  • Sergeant Bull McGiveney
  • Nazis






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