Reviewed Comics:
Journey Into Mystery #110:The Defeat of Odin!
Cover Date: Nov 1964 | Review: 1.25 StarsSo for those who have been following the past few months after my return, you might have expected to see something different after last week—perhaps, at a minimum, the first story from this issue instead of my jumping right to the second. Well, the first story is part one of two, and in a desire…
Journey into Mystery #109:Banished from Asgard
Cover Date: Oct 1964 | Review: 2.5 StarsToday we start by finding Thor, who in this story is not yet 20, being banished from Asgard for daring to fight a Duel against Odin’s wishes. In a similar fashion to Journey Into Mystery #107, Odin’s mind seems set, and he is unwilling to heed the advice of his subjects to reconsider. But perhaps,…
Journey into Mystery #108:Trapped by the Trolls
Cover Date: Sep 1964 | Review: 4.75 Starsthis month we follow who is at first an unknown asgardian into the kindom of the dewarfs where he is captured and given to the Trolls as a slave. This however quickly proves to be a ruse and a plan to free the slaves from the Trolls. It also serves as a message ending with…
Journey into Mystery #107:Balder Must Die
Cover Date: Aug 1964 | Review: 3.25 StarsIf there is one thing Loki cannot stand, it is anyone being held in Odin’s favor, at least more than him. Jealousy for Balder is the source of the conflict in this issue, and despite the title suggesting it features Balder, in my opinion the protagonist (even if a villous one) is Loki. In this…
Journey into Mystery #106:Balder the Brave
Cover Date: Jul 1964 | Review: 3 StarsFor this “Tales Of Asgard” story, we have Balder the Brave, who appears before Odin is questioned about why he deserted the fight. It is quickly revealed it was to save a bird that fell from the nest. This this Odin sentences him to the test of Mortal death! Even with the begging and petitioning…
Journey Into Mystery #105:When Heimdall Failed
Cover Date: Jun 1964 | Review: 4.5 StarsWhile the previous story in the Tales of Asgard series was anticlimactic, this one, from the moment you read the title “When Heimdall Failed” offers promise and suspense. This story is true to the title; it is of the hero failing and the consequences he and Asgard face for that failure. Perhaps as importantly, it…
Journey into Mystery #104:Heimdal Guardian Of The Mystic Rainbow Bridge!
Cover Date: May 1964 | Review: 2.75 StarsIn this issue, we get the origin of Heimdall as the guardian of the rainbow bridge. But is this story dramatic and everything we would hope for it to be, or is it a biography that, while having value, falls short of what is promised on the introductory page? Story The story starts with Heimdall…
Journey Into Mystery #103:Thor’s Mission to Mirmir!
Cover Date: Apr 1964 | Review: 4.75 StarsAs I wrote my review for the Tales of Asgard backup in Journey Into Mystery #103, I decided to start with praise and a warning. First, I will praise this tale from the start; it proves to be an enjoyable read that I will get to below. The reason for this high praise in the…
Journey Into Mystery #102:Death comes to Thor
Cover Date: Mar 1964 | Review: 4.25 StarsThis tale, like the last two, features the “boyhood of Thor” although he is now “at the age of eighteen” per the opening page. In this adventure, Thor learns from the fates that he must meet death to win Odin’s enchanted hammer. But we must continue reading this fateful tale to know what that means.…
Journey Into Mystery #101:The Invasion of Asgard!
Cover Date: Feb 1964 | Review: 4.75 StarsIn this five-page story, we have the Gods of Asgard preparing for an invasion by the “forces of Evil” Thor, however being a kid is sent off by Heimdall. However Loki informs his brother Thor that he knows of a secret hole in Asgard’s defenses that needs protecting. Story We learn that Loki is the…
Journey Into Mystery #100:The storm Giants
Cover Date: Jan 1964 | Review: 3.75 StarsWe started with Buri and glanced over Borr before moving to two stories that feature Odin. Now, we have moved on to the featurette staring a young Thor. In this tale, we follow him on his mission to accomplish deeds of valor so that he may one day inherit Odin’s enchanted battle hammer. Story More…
Journey Into Mystery #99:Surtur The Fire Demon!
Cover Date: Dec 1963 | Review: 3.25 StarsThis time, the adventures of Odin continue, but where last time he battled against Ice this time he is up against the firey Surtur. Story One thing hat does stand out, is the style is more in line with the first then the second, Telling the story without dialogue bubbles The story is starting to…
Journey Into Mystery #98:Odin Battles Ymir, King of the Ice Giants
Cover Date: Nov 1963 | Review: 3.75 StarsFor the second installment of the Tales of Asgard, we find ourselves joining Odin as he battles against Ymir and the ice giants. Story The story this month is more focused than the first issue. We follow Odin into battle, and the action takes place more in a traditional comic book style with dialogue bubbles.…
Journey Into Mystery #97:Home Of The Mighty Norse Gods
Cover Date: Oct 1963 | Review: 4.25 StarsThe five-page short that starts out the “Tales of Asgard” series acts a bit like a genesis for the Norse mythos at least as it pertains to the Marvel comics universe. I cannot claim to be well versed in actual notes mythology that serves as the bases for this story, but even if I was…
Reviewing Comics Return
So, it has been years without a review for various reasons. But now we are back, with a revamped site and backend for our meta data. Our hope is to return to providing reviews of primarily classic marvel. A this current time, my plan is to post 1 review per week while also working to…
Tales of Suspense #59:Captain America
Cover Date: Nov 1964 | Review: 4.25 StarsThe second feature for Tales of Suspense #59 features Captain America in his first silver aged solo adventure. In this issue we have captain america left as the Avenger tending to Avengers mansion while the others are out. Then we have Bull, a criminal ringleader, thinking to take advantage of the situation, seeing the captain…
Tales of Suspense #59:The Black Knight
Cover Date: Nov 1964 | Review: 4.75 StarsAs I sit down to write a comic book review of the story titled “The Black Knight” featuring Iron man, published in Tales Of Suspense #59, I find that this story (despite a later cover month) would clearly fit before the events of Avengers #9. That small fact out-of-the-way (and the impact on the avengers…
Strange Tales #127:Duel with the Dread Dormammu!
Cover Date: Dec 1964 | Review: 5.25 StarsAfter reviewing the story from Strange Tales #126 that featured Dr. Strange, I found my self all to eager to read the second part; to bare witness to the conflict between the Doctor and the Dreaded Dormammu. In fact, in the early pages of this adventure, we learn that this Duel does come with a…
Strange Tales #126:The Domain Of the Dread Dormammu
Cover Date: Nov 1964 | Review: 4 StarsWhile yesterday I established that the first tale from Strange Tales #126, left me lacking; today we explore the Realm of Darkness and face off against Dormammu himself with none other than Dr. Strange. This story starts off, with The Ancient One summing Strange just a short time after the events of the last story, then informing…
Strange Tales #126:Pawns of The Deadly Due!
Cover Date: Nov 1964 | Review: 1 StarsThe first story of Strange Tales #126 features The Human Torch and The Thing, but this time with a bit more Fantastic Four support then we are used to. Of course the Duo are taking on another Duo of Former fantastic Four Villains, The Puppet Master and The Mad Thinker. In this story…
Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #11:The Crackdown of Capt. Flint!
Cover Date: Oct 1964 | Review: 3.25 StarsIn this issue; Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos find themselves temperately reporting to Capt. Flint, whom is a ‘by the books officer’. The Captain and his attitudes not only cramp the howlers unique – and individual style, but also puts them in great danger as they set out on a mission with Capt. Flint overseeing…
Fantastic Four #31:The Mad Menace Of The Macabre Mole Man!
Cover Date: Oct 1964 | Review: 4.25 StarsHaving just read, and as I sit down to write my comic book review Fantastic Four #31, I find that I let the action, and all the promises made fly though my head. First and foremost, this tale signals the return of the Mole Man last seen in Fantastic Four #22. Then as if that…
Avengers #9:The Coming Of The… Wonder Man!
Cover Date: Oct 1964 | Review: 2.5 StarsFor this comic book review I read Avengers #9, the story in this volume is titled “The Coming Of the … Wonder Man!”. In this tale we have Baron Zemo, The Enchantress, and The Executioner returning from their banishment that occured in Avengers #7. Like most typical villains, their mind is single focused n gaining revenge, seeking…
Amazing Spider-Man #17:The Return Of The Green Goblin!
Cover Date: Oct 1964 | Review: 4.75 StarsIn amazing Spider-Man #17 we have the tale titled “The Return Of the Green Goblin!”. This feature offers a lot of pieces, that all add to the larger tapestry of the issue as well as the ongoing adventures of Spider-Man. From the blunder early in the issue, where spider-man interfere with the filming of a…