The Thing is a founding member of the Fantastic Four. As far as their origin is concerned he has the most to be upset about when it comes to what they all became. Ben Grimm objected to the test flight, saying it was unsafe due to the cosmic ray’s. Unfortunately for him, he was right. He is also the only member of the team, to be drastically made inhuman by the ray’s. Both in body, and possibly at times in action. He struggles to hold onto whats left of his humanity while he lives in the body of a monster. It is hinted that he never fully forgives Reed For what had happened. Despite this, he does join the Fantastic Four.
At times, particarly early on he has an uneasy relationship with Mr. Fantastic, and matntains a regular ongoing long term battle with The Human Torch, although one might discribe it as playful and brotherly.
He once quit the Fantastic Four, thinking they where keeping things from him, it turned out all they where keeping from him was an experiment that was designed to help him, but they did not want to get his hopes up too soon. Ben Grimm, has taken in Alicia Masters as a close Friend. Alicia Masters is the blind step daughter of The Puppet Master, she also has a strong fondness for Ben leading to the development of an ongoing romantic relationship between the two.
Filters and appearance list is a work in progress
*List only includes issues reviewed by this site*
All | Regular | Important | More Important | Most Important
Fantastic Four #1 :First appearance, as well as his first mission and origin.
Fantastic Four #2 :Temporality becomes Ben Grim again upon returning to earth.
Fantastic Four #3 :Thing in full costume and helmet that is quickly abandoned.
Fantastic Four #4 :Transforms to human form for a short bit of the story on his own.
Fantastic Four #5 :While time traveling becomes the famous Blackbeard. Wants to stay in the past.
Fantastic Four #6 :The Yancy Street Gang is mentioned for the first time
Fantastic Four #7
Strange Tales #101
Fantastic Four #8 :Meet Alicia Masters for the first time and a bond is formed. Temporarily cured by potion made by reed.
Fantastic Four #9 :First signs of romance with Alicia.
Fantastic Four #10 :Alicia is established to be his girlfriend.
Strange Tales #105
Fantastic Four #11
Fantastic Four #11 :depth given to his college days as well as time in the service. Is human again for part of the story.
Strange Tales #106
Amazing Spider-Man #1
Fantastic Four #12 :Thing Vs. Hulk
Strange Tales #107
Fantastic Four #13
Fantastic Four #14
Strange Tales #109
Fantastic Four #15
Strange Tales #110
Fantastic Four Annual #1
Fantastic Four #16
Strange Tales #111
Fantastic Four #17
Avengers #1
Strange Tales #112
Fantastic Four #18
Amazing Spider-Man #5
Fantastic Four #19
Fantastic Four #20
Fantastic Four #21
Amazing Spider-Man #8
Strange Tales #116
Fantastic Four #22
Avengers #3
Strange Tales #117
Fantastic Four #23
Strange Tales #118
Fantastic Four #24
Strange Tales #119
Fantastic Four #25
Strange Tales #120
Fantastic Four #26
Strange Tales #121
Fantastic Four #27
Daredevil #2
Fantastic Four #28
Tales Of Suspense #56
Strange Tales #123
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1
Fantastic Four #29
Strange tales #124
Fantastic Four #30
Fantastic Four Annual #2
Strange Tales #125
Fantastic Four #31
Strange Tales #126